Since the weather has been super cold here in Finland for quite some time, I wanted to share my easy juicing recipe to boost immune system.
If you don’t have a juicer, you can always use my spinach berry smoothie recipe.
I’ve also discovered one little extraordinary trick that has helped me avert the Flu. There’s no scientific proof to this, but it has worked 5 times in a row for me, so I’m pretty confident about sharing it. (Try at your own risk though 😉 )
When I feel like my throat is starting to feel sore, I pour 5-10 tea tree essential oil drops on my toothpaste and brush my teeth with it. I discovered this by accident, when I disinfected my toothbrush with tea tree drops while my throat was a bit itchy, and to my surprise, I felt better right away. Just don’t swallow any of it. Tea tree oil doesn’t taste good at all, so I bet there’s no chance for that. 😀
Tea tree oil drops are also convenient to have for disinfecting toothbrushes(or anything else for that matter). My kids tend to drop and swap their toothbrushes a lot, so I like to carry a little bottle of it when we travel. And now, there’s even a better reason for that. It would suck to get sick on a vacation. 😉
If you already have the flu or you need to take strong measures, try my anti-flu drink. It’s really effective and it doesn’t taste as bad as it sounds. But trust me, you do want to use sparkling water when you gulp it down 😀 Here’s the link to it+ some other tips for the flu prevention.
This immune boosting red juice is a great option for introducing homemade juice for your child as well. It’s really sweet, yet packed with nutrients. My son is super suspicious towards anything I offer him (can’t really blame him.. haha! 😀 ), and the minute he saw that I added beets, he refused to even give it a try, so you may want to juice some of the ingredients in secret. 😉 My girls are used to drinking green juices, so I added some cucumber and celery to this drink after my failed attempt to serve this to my son. Hopefully you are a bit luckier! 🙂
If you can find beets that have green leaves, please don’t throw them away.
Beet greens are a great source of fiber and they’re packed with antioxidants (high in vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese)
Beet greens have a higher nutritional value than the beetroot itself, and they contain more iron than spinach.
You can use beet greens in this juice recipe as well.
Immune Boosting Red Juice:
* 2 red apples (please choose organic to avoid all the pesticides!)
* 2 beets
* handful of spinache (or beet greens)
* half a lemon (organic, if you don’t wish to peel it)
* fresh ginger to taste(I used about 1inch)
Juice all ingredients and enjoy!